
This blog is where I host my story Primus Pilus.

What is Primus Pilus? It's story of low fantasy written as web serial micro-fiction set in an alternate world version of the Roman empire.

Low fantasy - meaning magic without dragons, elfs, or fireballs.

Web serial means that on a regular basis (Mondays and Fridays) a new chapter comes on here. Which is, y'know, the web. Yeah.

And here's the interesting semi-unique (I've only seen it one other place. Which would make it ... bi-nique?) part. Micro-fiction. I got the idea from Alexandra Erin's story "Tribe". Each of my micro-chapters is between 320 and 350 words. The chapters will be grouped into "Arcs". Each arc will, in it's own way, be a seperate story in the same continuity, and the arcs will come together to form a larger story.

Alternate world means two things. One it means that there's magic. Two, it means that the world fits with my spotty historical memory.

So, if you're new to the story, check out on the left the Story Archive, and click on 1 - 1.

Otherwise, the most recent microchapter is right below here.

I hope you leave me some comments. Critiscism, praise, or whatever. Just let me know that people are actually reading this!


Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Exams, easter, sickness.
Not in that order.
These are the reasons updates have been late and absent of late, and will continue to be such until these three things are done.

once they are, I'll backtrack and put up all the chapters I miss.

Sorry everyone!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

1 - 10

Kemsa's first instinct upon seeing the head of a giant aquatic serpent come abreast of the ship and roar was to think that's impossible. This impression was only strengthened when, moments later, A bolt of lightning struck the scaly beast right in it's mouth. Once Kemsa had managed to process what he was seeing, he came to a realization.

That lightning did not come from above ... This was true, and, as he turned his head, Kemsa where the lightning had, in fact come from. The bolt of lightning, and the several others which shortly followed it, were being ... shot from the outstretched hands of the Ships captain, an older man by the name of Junius. That being said, the bolts of lightning somehow managed to be the least striking feature Junius had at this moment. Among the others were that he was flying about six feet above the deck of the ship, that his clothes and hair seemed to be flying in every direction, or that he was glowing yellow.

As Kemsa was staring at the clearly impossible figure that was his captain, he had forgotten about the other clearly impossible figure involved in the battle. The serpent, apparently tiring of having it's throat electrocuted, lunged at the figure which was causing it pain. Of course, for a serpent to lunge, the rest of it's body must follow behind. Kemsa thought the snapping sounds that the ship made under the body couldn't possibly be good. Then again, the giant sea serpent isn't good any which way.

As Kemsa stood, mesmerized by the incomprehensible battle going on before his eyes, a great many things happened: First, the serpent stopped showing any signs of concern as it was repeatedly stuck with bolts of lightning. Second, it began thrashing about, and it tried to swallow the captain. Third, and most troubling, this thrashing caused the boat to being a process which can only be described as “sinking”.

Friday, April 3, 2009

1 - 8

That night, Kemsa found he could not sleep. It had been many hours since the sun had disappeared behind the watery horizon, but still he clay awake. Eventually, Kemsa decided to go up on deck, but first he found one of his precious candles, and the materials with which to light itl.

The sailors would likely have mocked anyone else for coming up on deck at that hour, but there was something about the Aegyptian; he was simply too likeable to mock.

Kemsa found an empty corner, and lit his candle. He waited for a little wax to melt, and used that to affix his candle to the deck. It is a great fortune that the seas and skies are so calm tonight, he thought to himself. He sat down, and focused his entire attention on the flickering candle flame. He began his prayers. Mother Isis, forgive me. On this boat it is impossible for me to always offer the appropriate prayers and offerings to you when I should.

As he went through his prayers, Kemsa felt various mundane weights lift themselves from his soul. Eventually, though, Kemsa felt something entirely different. At first he was not sure what it was – the goddess did not normally respond to his prayers. What is it, Mother Isis? I hear ... Danger? Kemsa snapped out of his meditation, only to find that the skies had clouded over, and the boat was pitching wildly. His candle was nowhere to be found.

Kemsa looked around him. Men were scrambling around, trying to make the ship ready for this unexpected storm. But while they were desperately trying to adjust the sails and the rigging, making sure everything was tied down, and that all the hatches were closed, Kemsa was staring open-mouthed to port. His eyes were locked with those of gigantic scaly beast.

The sea serpent let loose a horrendous roar, and flung itself at the ship.